Currently, the platform consists of two CMS - Joomla (site) and PHPBB3 (forum), which are linked together using the JFusion module.
They are made in a single design and work as a single system.
Most of the modules are implemented on the site.
The forum performs many important system functions, including - monitoring of the activities of users, for which tokens will be credited.
Many important reports that the student and coach make to the site modules are automatically transferred to the forum and can be commented on or evaluated by other users, which is also tracked, rewarded and submitted to the analyst.
Modules are combined into systems that make up the platform functionality. Currently are implemented and working:
1.System of training - the most complex system that allows to automate as much as possible the learning process and related activities.
The system provides:
2. Candidate evaluation system - is a set of tests and questionnaires for evaluating of potential students. It allows you to learn and analyze their intellectual abilities, character traits, skills, and other important in the learning process data. This is one of the first systems that we developed for ourselves and started testing in our projects.
3.”Office” system organization - it is a basic administrative functional. Here users can interact on certain conditions, that fixed in fund’s “smart contract”.
4.The reporting system - here fund’s participants gets information about their results, movement of capital and current financial status of the fund.
5. The contracts management system - allows funds to fix their relationship with participants by entering into a contracts.
6 The transactions recording system - ensures a “pellucid” movement of capital and excludes its loss.
7. The surplus counting and distribution system - offers hundreds of participants позволяет and dozens of funds to settle among themselves without any outside applications.
8.The analytics system - allows to estimate an effectiveness both system as a whole and individual elements.
Currently, Skillonomy systems are transferred to blockchain: the tokens accrual and accounting functional will be connected, and management and recording of users relationships moved into the “smart contracts”.
It allows for decrease administrative burden on a platform managing, and also provide transparency of calculations among numerous participants.
Example of interface: Testing and questionnaire
Example of interface: List of Offices
Example of interface: Reports
Example of interface: Training diary
Example of interface: Transaction history