Skillonomy at BlockchainUA
On March 22, the sixth annual international BlockchainUA conference was held in Kiev.
The event brought together representatives of the blockchain community from Ukraine and Europe!
And our project got there, frankly, in a rather unexpected way for us - in the presentation of our partners from Garuda AI.
Victor Radchenko, CEO of “Garuda AI” In his speech told a lot of details about Skillonomy, as well as about the mathematical models that his team developed for our project. So many thanks to him about this:)
Thus, we not only appeared at the largest blockchain event in Ukraine, but also were in a wonderful company.
Garuda AI consists of mathematicians, including those with doctorates and professors who work at the Institute of Cybernetics named after Academician Glushkov. In addition to degrees in mathematics, these people also have in-depth knowledge of programming. Their competencies were enjoyed by such high-tech giants as Intel and Motorola.
The full video of Victor Radchenko’s speech from the conference on projects implemented by Garuda AI can be viewed here: